Rock Lobster
Live or cooked whole Rock Lobster.
Lobsters are caught off the coast of Southern Yorke Peninsula of South Australia. Lobsters are cooked fresh to order. They are best stored on ice and consumed within 7 days of pickup or frozen for later consumption.
As the product is wild caught the weight might vary +/- 200g. We will do our best to get as close to your requests as possible but slight variation may occur. Price will vary depending on exact weight after cooking. Please be aware of this when placing your order.
Please note pricing is based on the averge weight in the size range and will be adjusted once the final product is picked.
Live Rock Lobsters are $80/kg for under 1kg, and $90/kg for 1-1.5kg and $115/kg for over 1.5kg.
Cooked Rock Lobsters are $85/kg for under 1kg, and $95/kg for 1-1.5kg and $125/kg for over 1.5kg.
Delivery is available first Friday of each month, at Minlaton, Maitland, Moonta, Kadina, Arthurton, Ardrossan, Black Point and Yorketown. Time to be confirmed day prior.
Orders close Wednesday prior to delivery day.